




  1. my family

  2. good morning 

  3. one two three four five 

  4. how many friendsWechatIMG486.jpeg

  5. who am i

  6. what are the animals doing 

  7. am i beautiful

  8. am i handsome 

  9. like apples

  10. colorsWechatIMG487.jpeg

  11. it's time to go to bed

  12. what time is it now

  13. how is the weather

  14. where is my cat

  15. the best carWechatIMG488.jpeg

  16. i go to the plaground 

  17. welcome to my village

  18. how do you feel

  19. how does it taste

  20. my boby

  21. lunch time

  22. i go shopping

  23. owl's cookies shop

  24. pet the animals

  25. let me do itWechatIMG490.jpeg

  26. bathe together

  27. big tooer my friend

  28. messy kangaroo

  29. ler's play doctor

  30. i can understand WechatIMG491.jpeg

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